The vision of autonomous driving is on the cusp of becoming a reality. With simulation, a partner network and a focus on short, manageable distances, CADFEM is also involved.
Arrange a consultationAutonomous driving at the CADFEM Group
The vision of autonomous driving is on the cusp of becoming a reality. The industry is vigorously pursuing the necessary technologies, while this new mobility remains at the top of the agenda at federal, state and local level. CADFEM is also involved. The focus is on short, manageable distances.
Also the journey itself is the reward
As a member of IAMTS (International Alliance for Mobility Testing and Standardization), ASAM e.V. (Association for Standardization of Automation and Measurement Systems) and ASCS e.V. (Automotive Solution Center for Simulation), CADFEM is pursuing a concept that focuses not only on the vehicle but also on its future framework for action.
The development of the shuttle - from hardware to general and situational behavior - and the modeling of the terrain in which it moves are highly digital and simulation-based. CADFEM is very familiar with virtual methods as well as the use of real test environments. In fact, road spaces in Grafing, where CADFEM is located, served as a real test environment in a previous research project.
The autonomously driving INYO CAB is a central component of the NeMo.bil project, for which the city of Paderborn is currently attracting attention. The electric four-seater, which will either travel in convoy or autonomously and individually to its destination as required, is being developed and built by INYO Mobility GmbH, a CADFEM Group company.
INYO Mobility is also the consortium leader of the mobility project, which is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection. CADFEM Germany is one of the approximately 20 project partners. The task of CADFEM is to optimize the design of the system, control, energy efficiency and overall resistance of the INYO CAB and the convoy and to analyze additional physical effects.
The CADFEM Group concept
The modular concept of CADFEM is based on its own core competence – Simulation.
- Digital models
The exact digital models of the vehicle, infrastructure, and behavior ensure high precision and flexibility, with positive effects on economic efficiency, scalability and safety, including homologation (i.e. the formal approval and registration process for vehicles to be used under certain conditions).
- Components or complete system
The intelligent vehicle, the virtual environment, and the software required for autonomy can be provided as a complete system or as individual components (e.g. NeMo.bil).
- INYO CAB for short journeys
Digital development leads to time and therefore cost benefits. It enables efficient scaling of the automated transport solution. The INYO CAB is designed in particular for first/last mile transportation tasks such as
- Municipalities (i.e. connecting remote destinations to public transportation).
- Extensive infrastructures (company premises, hotel resorts, urban districts)
- Facilities for people with limited mobility (retirement homes, hospitals)
These scenarios include typical traffic situations, such as the sudden appearance of pedestrians, animals, cyclists or obstacles. Since many combinations and variants are involved here, it is impossible to capture everything using real test drives. There are no limits in the virtual test field, which means that all scenarios can be simulated, analyzed and stored in various constellations using special tools.
Each piece of information improves the system's ability to react predictably and safely to an ever increasing number of traffic situations - right up to the goal of an automated vehicle that takes us to our destination comfortably and affordably.
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