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Simulation successes and projects that inspire

How our customers use simulation in their companies and thus develop groundbreaking innovations in products and processes

Inspiring simulation projects

With products, service and knowledge from a single source, our customers get the best out of simulation - and often develop groundbreaking innovations in products and processes. CADFEM has extensive experience with calculation and consulting projects for customers from numerous industries. Be inspired by a broad selection of exemplary projects from a wide range of industries.

What our customers say about us

Satisfied customers are the best reference. Read here a small excerpt of customer testimonials from various industries with different requirements with whom we successfully cooperate.

 Stephan Ellenrieder Senior Vice President Central Europe & GM Germany, Parametric Technology GmbH
Stephan Ellenrieder
Senior Vice President Central Europe & GM Germany, Parametric Technology GmbH

What CADFEM offers in the field of simulation for user consultation and knowledge transfer is unique. We are pleased that CADFEM's in-depth expertise is also available to PTC Creo users with this new partnership. Our customers can thus ensure that they receive the return on investment they expect from simulation in product development.

 Joachim Henkel Computational Engineer and Head of Structural Engineering, Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH
Joachim Henkel
Computational Engineer and Head of Structural Engineering, Liebherr-Werk Ehingen GmbH

Liebherr already recognised the benefits of computer-aided crane simulation back in the late 1970s. For more than 30 years, we have been using Ansys as the most important strategic simulation tool in structural-mechanical calculation and optimization of steel components. The constructive and trusting partnership with CADFEM started at the same time. The success proves us right: We bet on the right horse from the beginning.

 Johann Soder Managing Director, SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG
Johann Soder
Managing Director, SEW-EURODRIVE GmbH & Co KG

70 % less test time on the experiment due to simulation. 

 Danny Johnston Engineering Manager, OpenHydro
Danny Johnston
Engineering Manager, OpenHydro

OpenHydro is a world leader in tidal energy technology. The challenges in designing robust, efficient, low-maintenance turbines which can withstand the harshest of environments are being met by a team of expert design engineers at OpenHydro. The full suite of Ansys tools are used throughout the design process to simulate conditions that cannot economically be represented in physical tests. Our close partnership with CADFEM has allowed us to exploit these tools to arrive at best designs within aggressive project timelines.

Matthias Kowalski
Development engineer, Siemens AG

What CADFEM developed as part of the project was absolutely fantastic. By working together, we were able to open up new opportunities for simulation that we’ll really be able to benefit from in the future. From my perspective, the competence of CADFEM GmbH, both in terms of simulations with ANSYS and in the scope of its physical understanding, is truly unique.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sandro Wartzack
Chair of Design Engineering, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg

If a product development process is to become faster, more cost-effective and more innovative, then simulation is the method of choice. If you even want to go to the limit of what is technically feasible, simulation is indispensable.

Dipl.-Phys. Richard Birkner
Qioptiq Photonics GmbH & Co. KG

We aimed at gaining a deeper understanding of the behavior of our plasma lamps in operation using FE analysis. We reached that goal immediately after evaluating the simulations carried out by CADFEM. We can recommend CADFEM in any case: The prompt acceptance of the simulation project, the excellent specialist knowledge and the flexible processing of the project convinced us.

David Smyth
Head of Research and Development, AirSynergy

Through innovation and design, AirSynergy brings renewable, reliable and affordable energy to places previously thought impossible. Our turbines are designed to output at least 2.5 times the energy generated from traditional designs, and operate in conditions which are not usually viable. Our design engineers use Ansys FEA and CFD to arrive at the most efficient and reliable designs. In partnership with CADFEM Ireland, we have been able to integrate the software seamlessly into our design process, maximising the efficiency of our product development process.

Nick Fox
Research and Development Engineer, Innalabs

As a newcomer to the Inertial Sensor market Innalabs must transition from concept design to market realisation in the most cost effective and time efficient path possible. To meet the challenges of our customers’ unique operating environments, a complete understanding of complex electomechanical response is required. Working with CADFEM we have created an ANSYS driven coupling of magnetic fields with structural and electronic systems which allows for parameter driven design optimization.

 Gwyddyon Fénies F&E Manager, Fours Industriels BMI
Gwyddyon Fénies
F&E Manager, Fours Industriels BMI

We wanted to verify our hypotheses about the source of the cast iron connection. The CADFEM engineer was really interested in and technically involved into our issue. He resolved it very fast, where others would have taken more time. This case allowed me to show internally the interest of digital simulation.

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