CADFEM Further Education - On Demand, Live Experience, Know-how Transfer
CADFEM's training program is constantly evolving. Our recipe for success: constant exchange with our customers, years of experience in engineering practice and the vision of always empowering ambitious and pioneering simulation in product development. From training on demand for self-determined learning, to live experience for your direct exchange with speakers and other participants, to know-how transfer via pilot projects.
Further Education Products 2025
On Demand
You decide when, where and at what intensity you want to learn. No waiting for a fixed training date. Access to knowledge content "on the job" - right now, when you need answers to your questions. Directly integrated into your day-to-day work.
Micro Learning
Free Trials
Tech Articles
On Demand
Flexible learning
At your own pace
24/7 access to knowledge
On Demand
Let's Simulate
Let's Play for Engineers
Watching experts simulate
On Demand
Live Experience
If you have the necessary basic knowledge, but still have questions, an exchange with experienced experts and like-minded people is often worth its weight in gold.
Choisissez en toute flexibilité parmi nos différents forfaits annuels et formats de formation - Des tarifs très attractifs et des conditions favorables pour la prolongation dès l'année 2. Vous trouverez tous les prix et la possibilité de commander.
eLearning, Let's Simulate expert talks and discounts for booking live training
Pro + eLearning with training cloud, live trainings and workshops
Customized offer with individual training products and technical services on top
Pro - Renewal
Favorable re-entry for a subscription that has already expired
Free, but not for nothing! These are the numerous CADFEM Tech Articles & Ansys Tutorials. Simulation tasks to click on. If you want to take a first, non-binding look at our training courses, the free modules are available at any time: 30 days full access to the 1st module of numerous training courses. Get an insight into speakers, methods & content.
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