Order 1x for 365 days of simulation knowledge at your disposal. Give your employees long-term access to high-quality simulation knowledge. Attractive starting prices and very favorable conditions for continuation from year two.
Directly to bookingCADFEM Learning Subscription
All you can learn: pay once, use 365 days of training
Get unbureaucratic access to high-quality eLearning courses, "Let's Simulate" - the let's play format for engineers - and training on more than 110 simulation topics. With Pro, Premium & Enterprise versions, you choose the package that best suits your needs. Take the pressure off your budget with attractive starting prices and very favorable conditions for continuation from year two.
Multi-user discounts already from two persons.
Annual access: Pro, Premium or Enterprise?
Choose flexibly from our annual packages & training formats - from on-demand learning and live experience to individual training products. Very attractive starting prices and favorable conditions for continuation from year two. You can find all prices and the option to order in our store.
eLearning, Let's Simulate expert talks and discounts for booking live training
Pro + eLearning with training cloud, live trainings and workshops
Customized offer with individual training products and technical services on top
Pro - Renewal
Favorable re-entry for a subscription that has already expired
Exclusively for Subscription customers
Let's Simulate: The Let's Play Format for Engineers
Experience software in action and look over the shoulders of experts as they work on the simulation model. Engineering in depth. Practical tips from years of experience. In series format - each series with its own thematic focus.
You can expect exciting topics such as creating reports, mastering large models, automating scripting & workflows, systems process integration, modeling physical effects, simulating machine elements, devices & systems, understanding and influencing numerics, mastering strength and verification, quality of simulation results or trend topics such as AI & simulation and much more.

Customer feedback
I am at your disposal for any questions or individual offers. I look forward to your message or a conversation with you!
I am also happy to recommend the detailed Subscription FAQs for any uprising questions.

Nicolas Beck
Book Training Subscription - Directly here in the Shop
With Pro, Premium & Enterprise versions, you choose the package that best suits your needs and takes the pressure off your budget. Plan employee training for the long term. The following applies to all packages: very attractive starting prices and favorable conditions for continuation from year two.

CADFEM Learning Subscription
Give your employees access to high-quality eLearning courses, expert talks in Let's Simulate sessions and trainings on more than 110 specific simulation topics.