Analyzing and validating antennas at an early stage using radio frequency simulation
Sector: Automotive supplierSpecialist field: ElectromagneticsWISI Automotive has r over 90 years of experience in the field of radio frequency technology (HF) and has been a qualified partner of the automotive industry for antennas, telematic systems and HF accessories for over 50 years.
In a modern luxury class vehicle, there are now up to 30 antennas. As a result, the demands on antenna systems are constantly increasing, whether it be greater bandwidths, lower overall height or higher packing densities. Before vehicle prototypes are available, the antenna properties are determined realistically by simulation.
With Ansys HFSS, reliable statements about the behavior of antennas can be made. The automated adaptive meshing ensures reliable results regarding the antenna radiation behavior in a user-friendly way. Industry-specific evaluations are integrated into the simulation process as post-processing wizards.
Customer benefits
The HF simulation enables WISI to make reliable statements on the technical properties of new developments already at the tender phase. Directional decisions can be made in early development phases without having to wait for real prototypes and measurements.
Project Details
WISI Automotive, specialists in high frequency technology (HF) and antennas, has been a qualified partner of the automotive industry for more than 50 years. In Germany and Tunisia, WISI Automotive pools its know-how for the design, development and manufacture of antennas, telematics systems and RF accessories.
In a modern luxury class vehicle, there are up to 30 antennas, which are used in the areas of comfort, security and telematics. The demands on the antenna systems are constantly increasing, whether it be greater bandwidths, lower overall height, higher packing densities, integrated installation space, good MIMO functionality (Multiple Input Multiple Output) or coexistence with other radio services.
Vehicle prototypes for real measurements are often not yet available during the development phases. Therefore, a realistic determination of the antenna properties is carried out by simulation.

Customer Benefit
High-frequency simulation allows WISI to make reliable statements about the technical properties of its new designs very early in the development stage. Thus, such digital prototypes offer significant support to the sales process of new designs because the requested properties have already been validated.
The digital representation of the technical properties of proposed new antenna systems makes it possible to set the course for future designs early in the development phase without having to wait for real prototypes and measurements. The advantages are shorter development times and lower costs due to fewer revisions at later stages.

With Ansys HFSS, reliable statements about the behavior of antennas can be made. For WISI Automotive, both questions of antenna design and matching as well as antenna placement in the car are important. In order to efficiently handle these different factors, different powerful solvers are available (finite element and integral equation), which can also be used in combination. The automated adaptive meshing ensures reliable results regarding the antenna radiation behavior in a user-friendly way.
Industry-specific evaluations - such as the average profit in a given sector - can be integrated into the simulation process as post-processing wizards by means of scripting. Easy-to-use graphical menus ensure intuitive user guidance.
Images: © WISI