Simulation is more than Software

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07.10.2025, Carmen Würth Forum

Focus topics:
Mechanics, Simulation in product development, automation, AI

Free registration

CADFEM Conference Künzelsau

Call for Papers: Submit abstract now and become a speaker!

Simulation models depict increasingly complex structures, material behavior and load scenarios. Simulation provides a solid data basis for optimization, AI models and well-founded decisions. At the CADFEM Conference Künzelsau, leading companies will present proven and new methods focusing on structural mechanics and simulation in product development, which successfully demonstrate the interplay of innovation, sustainability and improved product properties using simulation tools.

Focus topics


From classic static structural mechanics with the consideration of temperature fields and the evaluation of strength to linear dynamics (e.g. the simulation of a shaker test using PSD analysis) and non-linear dynamics (e.g. drop tests or failure simulations): In the sessions on mechanics, FE specialists and design engineers will learn which models, scenarios and workflows have proven themselves and where there are exciting innovations. Compact and practical!

Simulation in product development, automation, AI

In these sessions you will learn first-hand what role simulation plays in product development and what successes have been achieved: How can simulation be integrated into the product development process? Under what conditions can non-simulation experts make well-founded decisions based on simulations? Practical insights show how users can use scripting with PyAnsys and the automation of CAE processes to develop evaluation tools and ensure faster, more reliable simulation processes. Use cases show how AI can help to optimize typical development steps.

The Call for Papers has started!

Shape the CADFEM Conference Series 2025 and become a speaker. Submit your abstract now!

You have a reference case for users in the areas of:


  • Classical strength calculations
  • Thermal (-mechanical) simulations)
  • Applications from linear dynamics dynamics (e.g. harmonics or PSD analyses)
  • Calculations with explicit solvers solvers (e.g. drop test or impact)
  • Quasi-static applications (clipping or hooking)

Simulation in product development, automation, AI

  • Understanding and optimizing products through simulation
  • Optimize material usage and energy consumption through simulation
  • Integrate simulation processes and workflows into product development
  • Scripting with PyAnsys, individualized and automated simulations and applications
  • AI applications in engineering

Simply fill out our speaker form and submit your abstract to us by 30 June 2025 at the latest.


*Mandatory fields



Carmen Würth Forum
Am Forumsplatz 1
74653 Künzelsau


Access map

Your contacts for further enquiries


Overall organisation and speaker coordination



What does participation in the CADFEM Conferences 2025 cost?

Participation in all listed events is free of charge.

How can I participate in the events of the CADFEM Conference Series 2025?

You can easily register via the registration forms on the event pages. If you would like to participate as a speaker, please submit your abstract by the deadline.

Can I also register for the event on site at short notice?

The registration process is exclusively digital via the registration pages. You must agree to the export control regulations.

Who can take participation?

Anyone can participate. Please note that we have limited ticket quotas for all events. Only registered and confirmed participants will be admitted. For student participants there is a waiting list with a move-up procedure.

Confirmation and Cancellation

Participation in the CADFEM Conferences Munich, Hanover and Künzelsau is free of charge. After your registration you will receive a registration confirmation. If you are unable to attend the event, we kindly ask you to cancel your participation.

Separate regulations apply for the CADFEM Conferences in Salzburg, Lausanne, Rapperswil, Lyon and Paris. Please refer to the respective event pages.

Is the ticket transferable?

The ticket is personalized and non-transferable. Substitute participants must register.

Where can I find the current event program?

We will publish the full program on the individual event pages after the respective call for papers has closed. There will also be printed program flyers available on site. Please note that there may still be changes at short notice.

Is there an exhibition?

We are planning an area with selected exhibitors and partners. The packages are currently being designed. Do you have any questions?
Your contact: Anders Aronsson,

In which language are the events in Munich, Hanover and Künzelsau?

The conference language is German. As a rule, the title of the presentation also corresponds to the language of the presentation.

Will the presentations be published afterwards?

All participants on site have the opportunity to request the presentations via their CADFEM contact person after the events in Munich, Hanover and Künzelsau.

Travel and accommodation

Please check the websites of the locations directly for information on arrival and departure as well as accommodation options:

  • Science Congress Center Munich:  Website
  • Hannover Congress Centrum:  Website
  • Carmen Würth Forum Künzelsau:  Website
Privacy policy

As part of the CADFEM Conference Series 2025, film and image recordings will be made by the organizer; see privacy policy.

Where will the CADFEM Conference 2026 take place?

Save the Date: CADFEM Conference 2026, 21./22. Oktober 2026, Darmstadt.