Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a product manager or a development engineer, simulation allows you to get more out of your development work, the process behind it and your product itself. Place your trust in our integrated view and customized support.
Exploit the full potential that simulation has to offer
With more than 130 CADFEM engineers, we advise, accompany and support you in all matters concerning simulation software, hardware and IT infrastructure.
Our simulation experts have extensive experience acquired from calculation and consulting projects implemented for clients in numerous industries. Use our knowledge to your advantage and benefit from comprehensive training courses and integrated user support. We assist you with introducing simulation in product development and help you to fully leverage the potential benefits of simulation for your development process. We also promote lifelong learning with practical training and further education for users, students and universities – the ideal basis for your CAE career.
How can your company, your product and its development process benefit from simulation?
This is a question that we ask CAE experts, clients, experienced users and interested parties over and over again. Their answers demonstrate one thing: that simulation has immense potential and is increasingly being understood by companies and engineers.
Simulating product properties provides a glimpse into the future. It enables reliable data-based predictions to be made about the impact a design change will have on product quality. CEOs and product developers see the added value that simulation has to offer, particularly in process optimization, cost cutting and increasing innovative strength. In contrast, engineers appreciate the opportunity to run through and optimize different variants and thus gain a better understanding of the product and how all the components interact.
This was also what the participants in the most recent VDMA study in 2017 said
No matter where you are when it comes to simulation, we’ll meet you there!
Whether you are a beginner, expert or right in the middle of things: we will guide you step by step on your way to the success of your simulation. Our goal: to sustainably increase your development performance and the innovative power of your products.
As part of a consulting project, we are developing an approach with our three-perspective model to ensure that simulation can be beneficially implemented throughout companies and across all physical domains. We work together to analyze how you can fully exploit the added value that simulation has to offer in the entire product development process. For CAE users with simulation experience, we offer comprehensive software and hardware support, second opinions for simulation projects and a comprehensive range of training courses.
Simulation offers for companies
We offer strategy consulting, with which you successfully introduce simulation and are able to exploit its full potential - from small engineering firms to large corporations.
Simulation offers for users, students and universities
We offer in-depth training and further education, promote global exchange of experience among simulation experts and cultivate dialog with industry and the research sector.
Your needs – our solution
Our simulation experts identify potential and develop individual solutions, custom-made for your industry, your company or your individual applications. Why don’t you see for yourself?

The right solutions for your simulation projects
Simulation is everywhere and affects every industry. Since simulation requires more than software, CADFEM offers everything you need for successful simulation from a single source: software and IT solutions, consulting, support, engineering and knowledge sharing – always on the cutting edge.