Simulation is more than Software

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Playful simulation – STEM activities from CADFEM

CADFEM has been supporting STEM activities for young people for many years and supports the current STEM action plan of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

STEM education as driver of innovation

CADFEM assumes social responsibility to help consolidate Germany as a successful economic and innovation location. We create motivation for considering the broadest possible career orientation. A varied range of activities helps inform children and teachers, parents and companies, of how modern simulation methods in education and extracurricular activities can help to foster an interest in physics and technology.

More STEM education is a central aspect for understanding and shaping the world as well as for enjoying life.

In other words: STEM knowledge is a modern form of enlightenment.

Harald Fisch, Managing Director MINT Zukunft e.V. 

Career aspiration? With simulation!

STEM jobs are anything but dull. On Girls’ Day and STEM-Day at CADFEM we open our doors: you can try out experiments and engineering simulations for yourself. Besides, we offer class workshops and lectures for career information to interested schools.


Restricted to girls

Technology is just for the boys? Not at all! Why not give it a try?


For girls & boys

Mixed teams are the most successful, and that goes for us too.

Job orientation

Offers for schools

Practical presentation of study and career paths for STEM professions.

STEM affiliate program for schools

Achieve more together: As a STEM partner for CAD, modeling and simulation, we support all STEM friendly schools, student and youth research centers, and also students labs with consultation, technical support and the organization of events. Our network is complemented by simulation experts who volunteer as ambassadors for simulation and share their experience with children and youth.

Funding program for young talent

Is research and tinkering with thinks your passion? Are you already working on a specific project at 'Jugend forscht'?
If you think that simulation could help you with your project, then apply for the CADFEM funding. We know how important it is to get the right support.


Provide us a brief outline of your project so that we better understand your ideas and needs

Get feedback

A simulation expert will discuss with you how simulation could help to reach your goals


Receive answers to your questions, training courses, further contacts, and more for 12 months

What teachers and students are saying

Katharina .
Girls' Day participants

We were able to work with expert software for engineers. We simulated the vibration of the air column in an Alpine horn and were able to hear the sound on a real Alpine horn. As I play an instrument myself, the combination of testing and simulation was really exciting.

Wolfgang Guggenberger
Mentor in physics, Humboldt-Gymnasium Vaterstetten

I lead a project seminar called ‘Formula 1 at school’ for students in the 11th and 12th grades. ANSYS Discovery gives young people the ability to independently test and improve their vehicle designs with aerodynamic simulation. During school holidays, they succeeded in reducing the aerodynamic resistance of the model by around a third.

Dagmar Feller
Physics teacher

CADFEM has been superbly supporting our school for several years in the design of technology-oriented project seminars with high practical relevance. This has already prompted some students to opt for a STEM course after graduation.

Jana Wiedenmann

In the ‘Jugend forscht’ project, I am developing a water rocket that is to be fired 600 meters into the air under high pressure. I haven’t had any previous experience of simulation. I attended a seminar which allowed me to get to grips with the software really quickly; my questions were answered by the CADFEM team with total commitment. I could identify well with their motivation and love of the job.

Michael Link
Zentralgewerbeschule Buchen

The hands-on workshop with CADFEM really helped to give us an insight into the everyday development tasks of a simulation engineer.

Sponsoring member of MINT Zukunft e.V.

The association MINT Zukunft e.V. has committed to demonstrating to girls and boys the different perspectives in natural and computer sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at a young age. As part of its social commitment, CADFEM therefore supports students in gaining early, multifaceted insights into the exciting world of simulation and in considering a professional future in the technical environment.

Are you taking care for important future topics like education for digitalization?

We’d be glad to help you in considering the specific requirements of STEM in your planning.

The right solutions for your simulation projects

Simulation is everywhere and affects every industry. Since simulation requires more than software, CADFEM offers everything you need for successful simulation from a single source: software and IT solutions, consulting, support, engineering and knowledge sharing – always on the cutting edge.