Additive manufacturing processes open up new opportunities as well as presenting new challenges. Numerical simulation is often used as a supporting tool. The synergies that the physics-driven component design exhibits through topology optimization with the free design options of additive manufacturing are well known. In addition to optimal form finding specifically adapted for additive manufacturing, the virtual representation of the product’s manufacturing process is also essential. This is the only way to predict the thermal stresses created by the high local heat input during the melting process and thus to determine the resulting component warpage in advance and avoid misprints. This webinar will provide an overview of how to tackle these tasks with ANSYS Mechanical Additive Process Simulation, ANSYS Additive Print and ANSYS Topology Optimization.
Target Group
Development engineers, designers and machine operators
- ANSYS topology optimization – form finding for additive manufacturing
- ANSYS SpaceClaim – STL processing for preparing components to be manufactured additively
- ANSYS Additive Print – create automatic support structures and achieve fast process simulation for warpage prediction
- ANSYS Mechanical Additive Process Simulation – detailed process simulation and deeper understanding of product development
The language of the Webinar is German.