Simulation is more than Software

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Maximum torque

Simulation helps to accelerate the development of electric motors considerably

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Simulation makes electric motors more competitive

Multiphysics challenges as well as cost and time pressure determine the development of electric motors. State-of-the-art simulation methods can help.

The perfect workflow

Nowadays, the efficient development of electric motors and generators without using simulation is inconceivable. The optimal variant depends on so many parameters that field tests and prototypes are uneconomical and too tedious in the long run.

The electric motor challenge

Modern specifications require increasingly detailed information in the early phases of the development process, including in areas such as:

  • Electromagnetic fields, among other things with torque, torque ripple, and cogging torque, as well as excitation forces.
  • Thermal management with temperature distribution – in some cases, this is critical to demagnetization.
  • Active cooling with different fluids for better motor utilization.
  • Mechanical loads, especially with delicate IPM structures.
  • Acoustic requirements – since the combustion engine is missing, which drowns out all electric motors.
  • System simulation, with battery and converter.

The time factor

One solution is simulation software. The factor of time also plays a part in electric motor simulation, if only traditional tools are used. The many variants and challenging disciplines such as thermal dynamics, structural mechanics, electrotechnics, and acoustics take their toll on computing power and interaction intervals.

Quick preselection

British software developer Motor Design Limited (MDL) has launched a solver package specially developed for the electric motor industry – Motor-CAD – which enables quick simulation during operation of key areas such as electromagnetics (EMag), thermal dynamics (Therm), structural mechanics (Mech), and efficiency.

The right solution for you

CADFEM is your ideal partner for getting started with the simulation of electric drives

  • CADFEM will guide you through an introduction to the Ansys Electric Machine Design Platform
  • You will profit from the benefits of broadening the pure electromagnetic view to thermal and mechanical considerations
  • Options of systematic variation of all relevant influencing variables will accelerate the optimization and reliability of your products
  • CADFEM accompanies pilot projects to define and to form the basis of simulation procedures in your company
  • Our training offer you a first focus on fast methods of simulation during the entire development process

For more information please contact us.

Dr. Paul Lethbridge
Business Development Manager, CADFEM UK Ltd

Training on electric motor simulation

All CADFEM training are characterized by a strong practical focus, sustained learning outcomes, and a pleasant learning atmosphere. You’ll receive current information first-hand, as well as helpful tips and tricks on electric motor simulation.