Strength verification AD2000-S4 and load analysis DIN EN 13445
Sector: Machinery and plant engineeringSpecialist field: Structural mechanicsGÜNTNER is one of the world's leading manufacturers of refrigeration and air conditioning components. For a brazed pipe end cap of a heat exchanger CADFEM provided the strength verification according to AD2000-S4 and the load analysis according to DIN EN 13445.
The aim of the computational analysis is the verification of strength in relation to static pressure using AD-Merkblatt AD2000-S4. The structure is also to be evaluated for validation using the load-bearing capacity method according to DIN EN 13445.
The calculation is done with ANSYS Mechanical on an axially symmetrical 2D model with a linear-elastic material model under evaluation of the bending and membrane stresses over the cross-section.
Customer benefits
GÜNTNER receives validated data for verification in accordance with the relevant requirements.
Project Details
The structure to be analyzed is part of a heat exchanger. It is the end cap of a Cu-tube, which is connected to the tube by soldering. The aim of the computational analysis is the verification of strength in relation to static pressure using AD-Merkblatt AD2000-S4. The structure is also to be evaluated for validation using the load-bearing capacity method according to DIN EN 13445.

Customer Benefit
GÜNTNER receives validated data for verification in accordance with the corresponding strength requirements of AD-Merkblatt AD2000-S4 and the load capacity according to DIN EN 13445.

Strength verification according to AD2000-S4
The stress limit values according to AD2000-S4 must be observed for the mathematical verification:
Pm + Pb < 1.5 f
For soldered components made of Cu-DHP, the permissible voltage is according to AD2000-W6. The calculation is carried out on an axially symmetrical 2D model with a linear-elastic material model under evaluation of the bending and membrane stresses over the cross-section.
Load analysis according to DIN EN 13445
For the calculation a sufficiently large pressure was applied step by step until the load limit was reached. The criterion for termination was defined as exceeding the plastic elongation of 5%. It is shown that it is not the pipe cap but the pipe that fails first.

Images: © GÜNTNER