System simulation in sensor development
Sector: Rail vehicle constructionSpecialist field: Structural mechanicsBourns Automotive uses ANSYS Simplorer to determine the influence of assembly tolerances and environmental variables on the performance of a steering angle sensor.
In order to meet development requirements in the area of conflict concerning cost, manufacturability and sensor characteristics, Bourns uses an approach to system simulation that is based on the combination of reduced-order models from field simulations and behavioral models.
A system simulation is generated with Ansys Simplorer from reduced-order models (ROMs) in combination with mechanics, electromagnetics and the source code of the multi-turn software for signal evaluation. In addition to the sensor properties determined under ideal conditions, this also provides knowledge about the influence of assembly tolerances and environmental conditions.
Customer benefits
System simulations within the virtual product development of sensors enable Bourns to meet the increased requirements of new applications, such as driver assistance systems, much more effectively.
Project Details
The Bourns automotive division has played a leading role in the design, development and manufacture of potentiometric sensors since 1949. New applications such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) increase the demand for their robustness and resolution under the most diverse working conditions. Traditionally, simulation has already been used at Bourns to analyze individual components. The representation of system behavior across different components - also in interaction with software - has not been possible so far by means of 3D field simulation due to the high range performance required. In order to meet development requirements in the area of conflict concerning cost, manufacturability and sensor characteristics, Bourns uses an approach to system simulation that is based on the combination of reduced-order models from field simulations and behavioral models.

Customer Benefit
System simulation accelerates the targeted development of complex sensor systems consisting of various interacting components. Through targeted parameter variation, it is possible to determine an ideal sensor configuration even with competing criteria and design conditions. The examination of the relevance of various influencing variables and the quantitative analysis of the resulting measurement errors on the complete virtual sensor provide insights into previously unmeasurable relationships. In addition, innovative sensor designs can be analyzed and validated in a shorter time. System simulations within the virtual product development of sensors enable Bourns to meet the increased requirements of new applications, such as driver assistance systems, much more effectively.

Based on the existing know-how from 3D field simulations, reduced-order models (ROMs) are generated using various methods. With short simulation times, these ROMs represent the component behavior very precisely over a wide range of applications. The combination of the reduced models from mechanics and electromagnetics with the source code of the multi-turn software for signal evaluation is carried out within the ANSYS environment with ANSYS Simplorer, the solver for system simulations. The resulting model accurately represents the overall system behavior, including the interaction of all components. In addition to the sensor properties determined under ideal conditions, the influence of assembly tolerances and environmental conditions on the expected resolution, linearity and other sensor characteristics can be examined with the existing workflow.
Images: © Bourns Automotive