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Structural mechanics
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User-defined Friction Models with Ansys UPF UserInter


Training Expert

In this course, you will learn how to program, compile and implement user-defined friction models in Ansys. This training is offered as a 1-day course.

1 day

Basic knowledge of Ansys Mechanical, Programming knowledge in Fortran

Software used
Ansys Mechanical

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the mechanical modeling of dry sliding friction
  • Learn about Ansys User Programmable Features (UPF)
  • Understand algorithmic aspects of computational friction mechanics
  • Program, compile, and implement user-defined friction models


User-defined friction models – using the Fortran subroutine UserInter()  – can be easily implemented in Ansys via the implicit Mechanical APDL solver. The focus of this course is on the mechanical, computational and software aspects of the developmental activities that lead up to the implementation of user-defined friction models in engineering practice. You will receive a concise introduction to UPF technology and then – in interactive group work – put to use all of the practical steps for implementing a physically well-founded friction model with UserInter() in Ansys.

We introduce concepts, algorithmic principles and Fortran programming examples that are sufficient for systematically describing and calculating sliding friction processes in mechanical contacts. Building on your personal level of knowledge, you will learn the basic theory and algorithms of sliding friction. Furthermore, you will learn to understand UPF technology in general as well as for sliding friction and how to configure your subroutines and use them for your analysis in Ansys. This course is aimed at simulation engineers, developers and researchers who, as part of their tasks, want to expand the list of isotropic sliding friction models available in Ansys MAPDL.

Detailed agenda for this 1-day training

Day 1

01 User-programmable features (UPFs): possibilities and prerequisites

  • Hardware and software requirements
  • Review of relevant Ansys documentation:
    Guide to user-programmable features (UPFs)
  • Procedure for creating your own Ansys application

02 Developing your first UPF app (Workshop)

  • Implement new APDL commands in Ansys
  • Learn how to build, configure and apply UPFs

03 Developing the basic UserInter app (Workshop)

  • Continuum mechanics of frictionless contact interaction
  • Computational mechanics of frictionless contact interaction
  • Implementation, re-linking, and configuration, of frictionless contact interaction in Ansys MAPDL

04 Adding more features to the UserInter app (Workshop)

  • Incremental variational Coulomb friction
  • Extending the USERINTER app to include isotropic friction
  • Implementation, re-linking, configuration and verification of extended USERINTER app

Your Trainers

Dr.-Ing. Slav Valterov Dimitrov
CAE Engineer, CADFEM Germany GmbH, Grafing

Placement in the CADFEM Learning Pathway

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Whether eLearning, classroom courses, live online training or customized workshops - together we identify the best option for you.

Do you have questions on the training?

When will I receive the final confirmation for my training booking?

Straight after you sign up, an automatic confirmation of receipt will be sent to the email addresses you provided. Once you have successfully verified the data you provided, you will receive your personalized sign-up confirmation, containing further information on course fees, the billing address, etc., by email within two to three working days.  

As soon as the minimum number of attendees has been reached, you will receive a final training confirmation containing further information. If you have booked an on-site training, we recommend that you wait until you have received this final confirmation before booking your travel and accommodation.

If the minimum number of attendees is not reached, we reserve the right to cancel the training seven days before it is due to start at the latest. We are happy to inform you on changing your booking to an alternative date. Please note that we accept no liability for hotel or travel bookings that attendees have already made.

When is the sign-up deadline for a training?

Training places will generally be allocated based on the order in which attendees sign up. For this reason, we always recommend booking for your desired date as early as possible.

As long as a coures still has free places, it can be booked.

At what time do the training courses begin and end?

Usually the training courses start at 9:00 am and end at 5:00 pm of the respective local time. The actual course times will be stated in the booking confirmation. Please note that, depending on the training host, there may be a possible time shift between your and the provider's local time. Therefore all local times are provided with the valid time shift to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). 

Business Development Manager