Highlights and experiences regarding the latest Ansys update on Electronics.
Ansys 2022 R2 - Electronics
Here is an excerpt of new features and further developments from the area of Electronics.
At a glance
Among the new features in 2022 R2, the following have to be highlighted:
- Parasolid kernel for 3D Modeler
- Fusion Modeling for hybrid analytics using measurement based accuracy enhancement in Twin Builder
- Twin Builder Automation with pyAnsys/PyAEDT
- Thermal Design Creation, Icepak or Mechanical Thermal, from Existing HFSS/Maxwell/Q3D Design
- Motor skew Modeling to a New Paradigm in Maxwell
- Core-loss Dependent ROM for Induction Machine
- High fidelity synchronous machine lab model
- RF Discharge Official Release
- 3D Component Array on SBR+ Platform
- New HFSS 3D Layout Flex PCB Workflow
- Novel AC/DC blending method in Siwave
in Detail
Ansys Electronics Desktop
- Parasolid kernel for 3D Modeler
- Continuing expansion on interactive dialogs
- AEDT script execution from CPython
- Rounded numbers in field plot color scale
- Redundant trailing zeros from report axes removed
- Fonts are automatically scaled based upon screen resolution
- Redundant report legend title removed
- Parallel Meshing Refinement PMR [BETA]

Twin Builder
- Fusion Modeling for hybrid analytics using measurement based accuracy enhancement
- Re-compilation workflow with Modelica libraries on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04 OS)
- Predict the accuracy of the ROMs with absolute and relative error estimates during the build process
- Visualize & compare 3D-fields when building Dynamic ROMs
- Tooltip Support to identify size of connectors in Modelica Editor of mixed- size connectors, which is helpful for automatic connector sizing
- Twin Builder Automation with pyAnsys/PyAEDT
- Virtual Mesh Regions
- New slider bar meshing capability
- Thermal Design Creation, Icepak or Mechanical Thermal, from Existing HFSS/Maxwell/Q3D Design

- Thermal Contacts [Beta]
- Heat Transfer Boundary Paradigm
- Non-Linear Solution Controls
- Enabled Slider Bar Meshing
- Reaction Force Report
Electromagnetics LF
- Magnetic Latching Coupling Workflow with Structural Dynamics
- Skew Modeling to a New Paradigm
- Core-loss Dependent ROM for Induction Machine

- High fidelity synchronous machine lab model
- NVH Enhancements
- RPC automation for Motor-CAD

Electromagnetics HF
- Significant improvement in simulation performance in terms of memory usage (23%less) and speed (up to 77% faster)
- 3D Component Array on SBR+ Platform
- RF Discharge Official Release
- AMD Math Library for Direct Matrix Solver [BETA]
- HFSS SBR+ Includes material loss in radiated power calculations

- Improved Automated Discrete Optimization
- AWR interface enabled
HFSS 3D Layout
- New HFSS 3D Layout Flex PCB Workflow for any product or system using flex PCBs for connecting systems and omponents (e.g., connector)
- The capabilities of encrypted HFSS 3D layout components now extend to support IC design flows utilizing standard
- Foundry tech file formats including encrypted tech files"

- View component parameters associated with result set
- Toggle plot of component insertion loss or coupling
- Identify root cause of saturation from contributors
- Novel AC/DC blending method
- DDR Wizard Enhancements - Support for IBIS AMI models
- Automatically Generate HFSS Regions

- Support temperature dependent material properties for dielectrics
Ansys Electronics Desktop
- For faster, more accurate and traceable electromagnetic design simulation. EMI/EMC, Electric Machine, SI/PI and Thermal engineers using Ansys Electronics Desktop tools can now access Granta MI in their native solvers – with access to a new range of 7,200+ electromagnetic material records.
- Enhancements to fields calculator export
- Enhancements to Network Data Explorer

Twin Builder
- ROMs and ROM Viewer Enhancements inculding new solver in Dynamic ROM Builder and browser-based ROM viewer for web apps.
- Modelica Workflow Enhancements to support for conditional parameters and connector, cloning uncompiled models and edditor support for annotations and documentation.
- Library and solver enhancements to support HPC licensing, excitation components, ...
- Export Web App from Twin Deployer
- Constraints on ROM Output
- Export SVD from Dynamic ROM Builder
- New Solver in Dynamic ROM Builder
- LTI ROM workflow Improvements
- Directory Selector for ROM Components

- Ability to import IDX files
- New blower component
- Improved meshing performance and robustness
- Enhancements to network schematic display and useability
- Automated Delphi Network Creation Workflow in AEDT

- Support of EM Loss Import from Maxwell 2D
- Ability to use general expressions for temperature-dependent materials
- Coupled Thermal Stress Analysis

Electromagnetics LF
- Release of AC Conduction solver including multiphysics coupling
- Enhancements have been made to the transient 3D A-Phi Solver
- Automated workflow for system Push-Back excitation in 2D/3D magnetic transient solver
- Litz wire loss prediction with temperature feedback
- New 6-Phase electrical machine ROM
- Support for electric breakdown and inception voltage in fields post-processing
- Enhancements to motor toolkit

- Multiphysics Optimization with Motor-CAD and optiSLang
- Concept NVH Analysis with Motor-CAD
- Additional enhancments of all modules and motor types

Electromagnetics HF
- Network Data Explorer: Speedup for reading of large Touchstone files
- Auto Solver option for direct/iterative matrix solver
- Automation for creation of lumped ports
- Improved reliability of convergence for interpolating sweeps
- "Improvements for SBR+: Fast Frequency Looping to accelerate large, uniform frequency sweeps | Rough surface model for Range-Doppler solutions | Volumetric SBR+ support for combining materials and boundaries"
- Mixed (modal and terminal) ports in the Transient solution type
- Anisotropic materials in implicit Transient solver
- Conducting and dielectric IE region contact
- Improved Secondary Electron Emission (SEE) multipaction models

HFSS 3D Layout
- Enhancements to IC workflow capabilities and useability
- Enhancements to Mesh Fusion setup and meshing process (Beta)
- New broadband fast sweep based on model order reduction (Beta)
- Addition of Volume Loss Density and 3D lines in fields post-processing

- New auto generation of HFSS regions in HFSS 3D Layout (Beta)
- Ability to include temperature-dependent materials for the AC solver
- Enhanced workflows and useability for DDRwizard (Beta)
- Support for multi-layer conductor analysis in Layer Stackup Wizard
- Enhancements to rules and reporting in EMI Scanner

- Automatic net detection and validation for AC-RL
- Ability to plot magnetic fields on surfaces for AC-RL
- Ability to export fields to Ensight
- New uniform current terminals for DC-RL

All information has been prepared to the best of our knowledge. Data without guarantee.
Notes on installation and licensing for Ansys product updates
Since Microsoft has officially terminated the maintenance of Windows 7 as of 14 January 2020, Windows 7 is also no longer supported by Ansys. For security reasons alone, an update to Windows 10 is recommended.
The software can be downloaded as usual via the Ansys Customer Portal:
Software Download
For new customers, a user login is required before downloading. For this registration the current customer number is required.
To download the Ansys software, we recommend downloading the ISO images. With this download option, you will receive all data and do not have to assemble single modules to an installation archive. It is not necessary to burn a DVD, because the downloaded ISO images can also be unpacked with appropriate tools like 7-Zip (please use the latest version!) or WinRAR. Please do NOT use the Windows own Zip Utility or WinZip, because they might not unpack the images without errors. The individual ISO images must always be unpacked into their own folders to avoid overwriting files with the same name.
Further information about the current Ansys Release 2022 R1 is available in the download menu under the item "Getting Started". These notes contain information about the topics: Highlights of Release, Platform Support Documents, Important Notices, Downloads & Prerequisites, Installation;
With Ansys 2022 R1 only 64bit operating systems are supported. This applies to the licensing as well as to the client / server installation of the Ansys software. Further information about platform support is available under the following link:
The Ansys Inc. release notes contain the following important messages:
Compatibility with Previous Releases
Backwards Compatibility: Ansys 2022 R1 was tested to read and resume databases from the following previous versions: 2019 R1, 2019 R2, and 2019 R3, 2020 R1, 2020 R2, 2021 R1. Note that some products are able to read and resume databases from releases prior to 2019 R1. See the specific product sections below for more information. For those products that cannot directly read a 17.x, 18.x, or 19.x database in 2021 R1, first resume it in a supported version and then resume that database in 2021 R2.
Upward/Forward Compatibility: No previous release has the ability to read and resume a database from a more recent release.
In addition to the incompatibilities noted within the release notes, known non-operational behavior, errors and/or limitations at the time of release are documented in the Known Issues and Limitations document. See the Ansys customer site or online Help for information about the Ansys service packs and any additional items not included in the Known Issues and Limitations document. First-time users of the customer site must register to create a password.
For a list of issues and limitations in previous releases that have been resolved in Release 2022 R1, refer to the Resolved Issues and Limitations document on the Ansys Help site.
For the most recent version of the current release's Release Notes document, see the Ansys, Inc. Release Notes section of the Ansys Help internet documentation website.
Before updating the license server, please check if your license key is suitable for this use. The release date of the new version 2022 R1 must be before the maintenance expiration date of the corresponding license increment.
More information about Platform Support at Ansys
For all license keys issued after January 7, 2021 the installation of the new license manager of 2021 R2 is required.
When ordering a maintenance extension, the ASC (Ansys Support Coordinator) automatically receives a current license file. If required please contact our contract department: lizenz@cadfem.de. After each maintenance extension the received license files must be imported to ensure availability of the current licenses and compatibility to newer Ansys versions.
- "Ansys Common Licensing" (ansyscl.exe) replaces the "licensing interconnect"
- New Licensing Client Settings Utility ("elastic licensing" supported as failover, reduced license manager upgrades, industry standard "FlexNet Publisher" (FNP) implementation)
The file setupLM.exe was replaced by the -LM command option. This command can be used in connection with setup.exe for both command line and silent installation (example: setup.exe -LM or setup.exe -silent -LM).
Questions about licensing?
Please send us an e-mail and we will answer your request as soon as possible.
2022 R2 update webinar
We recommend you the CADFEM Ansys 2022 R2 update webinars on electronics (low and high frequency).