CADFEM Conference 2024 Rapperswil - June 20th
CADFEM Conference 2024 Rapperswil
CADFEM Conference 2024 Rapperwil - Archive of June 20th
Topics of the conference
- structural mechanics,
- fluid dynamics,
- AI and simulation
- automation (Python based applications)
- digital twins,
- electromagnetics,
- machine tool development,
- composite
27 companies present their projects
- ABB Switzerland Ltd
- Bühler AG
- Tribecraft AG
- Zimmer GmbH
- inspire AG / MORe Simulations
- RBF Morph srl
- OST Rapperswil
- RhySearch
And many more!
OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Campus Rapperswil : A modern and innovative education institution ideally situated between Rapperswil train station and Lake Zurich with a unique machine park on the Eichwies industrial estate. OST’s The Simulation Conference will be held in the Obersee Campus.
Oberseestrasse 10, Postfach 1475, 8640 Rapperswil-Jona
The Simulation Conference was basically divided in three parts.
It started with the plenary session in the morning, followed by specific topic sessions, and ended with the plenary session of the afternoon.
All through the day attendees enjoyed breaks, lunchtime and "apéro", meet our guests, visited our partners at their booths and talked with CADFEM's engineers.
What a day!
Plenary session - Morning | Aula 4.101
Digitale Zwillinge - Klassifikation, Beispiele, Trends Michael Schreiner , RhySearch - Archiv - Abstract | |
MORe Thermal Monitoring - Der digitale Zwilling für die Werkzeugmaschine Daniel Spescha, Inspire AG - Archiv - Abstract | |
Structures (Aula, main room 4.101) ; Automatisation (Room 4.112); Particle (Room 4.113); CFD / Systems (Room 4.113); ArticifiaI Intelligence (Room 4.114 & 4.115) |
Schweissnahtnachweis mit dem Kerbspannungskonzept in ANSYS Tim Kirchhoff, ihf Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH - Archiv - Abstract | |
Auslegung eines Flugzeug-Elektromotors mit FKM inside ANSYS Marius Robinson, Cellsius - Archiv - Abstract | |
Vom 3D-Scan zum Ersatzteil Dr. Kilian Schillai, Eptra Engineering GmbH - No public Archive - Abstract | |
„Drei Kurzvorträge aus dem Energiebereich“ Frank Bratschi, Ingenieurbüro Bratschi GmbH - No public Archive | |
Mikroskalenmodellierung von technischen Textilien zur Vorhersage von Faserverbundeigenschaften Oliver Döbrich, ZHAW - Archiv - Abstract | |
Mast design and structural evaluation with Ansys Andreas Winistörfer, Carbo-Link AG - Archiv | |
Ein strukturierter Ansatz für nachhaltige Produktentwicklung (Eco audit) Ole Müller Tribecraft AG, Daniel Wenger CADFEM (Suisse) AG - Archiv - Abstract |
Machine learning to empower engineering organization: technology & applications Peter Haldi, Neural Concept SA - Archiv - Abstract | |
Universal machine learning based on probalistic intelligence Dmitrij Ivanov, Probaligence GmbH - Archiv - Abstract | |
Erkennung von Plausibilität in Finite-Elemente-Simulationen mit Deep-Learning-Netzen Sebastien Bickel, Universtät Erlangen-Nürnberg - Archiv - Abstract | |
Complete Solution for Delivering Interactive Digital Twins with Custom AR/VR UI Marco Biancolini, RBF Morph Srl (Ansys) - Archiv - Abstract | |
Wie kann Ansys AI bei der Produktentwicklung helfen? Michael Schimmelpfennig , Ansys GmbH - No public Archive -Abstract | |
Ansys & CADFEM AI: Empowering ML Augmented Engineering Joel Grognuz, CADFEM (Suisse) AG - Archiv - Abstract |
Combining PyAnsys and APDL to optimize the dynamic behavior of large electric motors using the NSGA-II algorithm Soren Bogh Andersen, ABB Switzerland Ltd - Archiv - Abstract | |
Simulationsdaten als erster Baustein zur Sicherung der Datenqualität Marc Schöning, e+a Elektromaschinen und Antriebe AG - Archiv - Abstract | |
Computation time optimization using PyAnsys and PyVista libraries for nuclear application François Molette & Julien Nussbaum, DAES SA - Archiv - Abstract |
Digitaler Zwilling: Thermal Uprating für Mechatronische Antriebe Joël Grognuz CADFEM (Suisse) AG / Cyltronic AG - Archiv - Abstract | |
Simulation im Entwicklungsprozess von Produktionssysteme Mayra Hoppstädter, MORe Simulations (inspire AG ) - Archiv - Abstract | |
Anwendung von CFD-Analysen für die Risikoabschätzung von Maschinen in ATEX-Umgebungen: von der Identifizierung des Problems bis zur Designoptimierung Philippe Senn & Edoardo Arrivabeni, SAECON Sagl - Archiv | |
CFD-Simulation der Ausbreitung des radioaktiven Schwerwassers in der Neutronanlage am PSI Weiqun Geng, FHNW - Archiv - Abstract |
The influence of air pore pressure on the snow cover entrainment mechanisms and dynamics of snow avalanches Camille Huitorel,WSL Institut für Schnee und Lawinenforschung SLF - No public archive - Abstract | |
Advanced particle simulation of rice whitening processes Clement Zémerli, Bühler AG - No public archive - Abstract | |
Entwicklung von Vertikalen Rührwerksmühlen mit DEM Robert Probst, Swiss Tower Mills Minerals AG - Archiv - Abstract |
Erfahrungen zur Einführung eines SPDM Systems am Beispiel der Firma Dieffenbacher Marc Vidal, CADFEM Germany GmbH - Archiv - Abstract | |
7-Schrittmethodik zur Erstellung einer FMEA, modellbasiert (in Anlehnung an die AIAG/VDA) Daniel Henseler, Inauen-Schätti AG - Archiv - Abstract | |
Entwicklung und Validierung eines Models zur Primärstabilität für in silico klinische Studien Christine Müri, Zimmer Switzerland Manufacturing GmbH - Archiv - Abstract |
Plenary session - Afternoon | Aula 4.101
Frequently Asked Questions
No, participation is free and does not involve any obligation but registration.
The event will be taking place on site, live at OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule, Campus Rapperswil. Please save the date in your calendar.
No, CADFEM will not pass any data of any kind to any third parties.
No hand-outs or documents are going to be provided during the Simulation Conference. You will be able to retrieve the presentations of the event, with no disclosure restriction, on the website after the Simulation Conference.
CADFEM Contact
If you have any questions regarding the simulation conference, feel free to get in contact with us.