Simulation is more than Software

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Great innovations start with good ideas

Whether smartphones, wind turbines, high-speed trains or space travel: behind all developments there are women and men with curiosity, perseverance and creativity.

Launching STEM talent

In the CADFEM Talent Take-off funding program, young researchers with ideas meet engineers with a wealth of experience. This gives them a quick introduction to the world of digital prototypes, virtual testing and development with the aid of technical simulation.

CADFEM Talent Take-off scholarship

Do you have a specific idea for Jugend forscht/Schüler experimentieren that you think would benefit from simulation? Please look for a technical sponsor at your school. Alternatively, this might also be a person in charge at a nearby youth or student research center .Then apply for the scholarship.

What does the Talent Take-off scholarship include?

  • 12 months of mentoring on the use of technical simulation in your project
  • Exchanging ideas with experienced engineers
  • Getting help with familiarizing yourself with simulation software
  • Establishing contact with other partners for manufacturing and more
  • Reimbursement of material costs up to EUR 500

What scholars are saying

Jana Wiedenmann

In the ‘Jugend forscht’ project, I am developing a water rocket that is to be fired 600 meters into the air under high pressure. I haven’t had any previous experience of simulation. I attended a seminar which allowed me to get to grips with the software really quickly; my questions were answered by the CADFEM team with total commitment. I could identify well with their motivation and love of the job.

Experienced simulation engineers as mentors for schools

In a project seminar, senior students work on a long-term practical task. Partners from industry, business or the community help the schools and provide interesting insights into the realities of professional life.

place out of 3,000
project seminars at Bavarian secondary schools
Gymnasium Grafing (secondary school) 

In recent years, the cooperation between CADFEM and nearby Gymnasium Grafing has been interesting and instructive for both sides. What goals can be achieved with simulation? What’s the best way to get started? The practical mentoring helped to get the project launched and the students were able to secure the top place through their efforts.

Read more on the award winner


What teachers are saying

Dagmar Feller
Physics teacher

CADFEM has been superbly supporting our school for several years in the design of technology-oriented project seminars with high practical relevance. This has already prompted some students to opt for a STEM course after graduation.

Some more questions about talent promotion

Do you have any further questions, suggestions or requests? Then feel free to contact us.

How can I get support as a participant in the Jugend forscht competition?

Can you already specifically formulate your idea? Then apply using the scholarship form and tell us a bit about your idea. We will get back to you and discuss whether and how simulation might make sense in your project. The potential for simulation is a key aspect for inclusion in the CADFEM funding program. At the end of the day, this is our area of expertise. That is why it is important to us that you also have a sponsor at your school or from a student or youth research center. Ideally, this second person should already have experience with the Jugend forscht competition and be able to assist you with organizational matters. If you still have any queries, just send us an email.

Can we apply to you for collaboration in relation to a STEM project seminar?

Offering simulation in a project seminar is an interesting option for career guidance in the STEM area. One possibility is for your school to participate in the F1 in schools competition. But other practical topics can also be worked on. Our experience shows that some mentoring time is then needed. We recommend the following as many innovative companies use simulation to develop their products: Simply approach companies in your area or even parents of your students to ask if a cooperation might be possible. CADFEM can advise you and your mentors through consulting and practical implementation ideas.

Aren’t school students too young to be working on complex technical simulations?

We might have thought so 30 years ago. But a great deal has changed in the meantime, and simulation software now exists with all different levels of complexity. Live simulation with Ansys Discovery is really easy to pick up, even for young people. The benefit of this is that basic physical principles and phenomena can be visualized and better understood through simulation. Take advantage of the DigitalPakt Schule initiative to equip your STEM department for the future.

Sponsoring member of MINT Zukunft e.V.

The association MINT Zukunft e.V. has committed to demonstrating to girls and boys the different perspectives in natural and computer sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) at a young age. As part of its social commitment, CADFEM therefore supports students in gaining early, multifaceted insights into the exciting world of simulation and in considering a professional future in the technical environment.

The right solutions for your simulation projects

Simulation is everywhere and affects every industry. Since simulation requires more than software, CADFEM offers everything you need for successful simulation from a single source: software and IT solutions, consulting, support, engineering and knowledge sharing – always on the cutting edge.